Even though I can only meet her for awhile and won't be able to meet her again till a year later, but it was worth the few hours :D
*points at the title*
Am no lesbo, but I seriously am in ecstasy just by meeting the girlbelow. tee-hee~

We get to chitchat and it's good to know that the time and distance didn't damper our friendship. One thing I've realized though, this girl got both PINK phone and camera!

I like the picture below :D taken by her daddy.

Sadly, she is back in Brunei and I'm still in Msia. Boohoo~
On a brighter note, thanks for everything girl :)
Thanks for all the gifts you have given which will be up for the next post :D
Hope to see you real soon.
I want you to bring me go tour around Aussie!
thanks for the memories and the gifts as well.. missing you here... see you soon!! ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥